Sunday, April 14, 2013

50 Miles -- My First

On Saturday, April 13, 2013, I rode my first 50 mile ride. I've gone 48 miles before, but that really didn't count. That ride was basically 2 24 mile loops with a break in between. This ride was to be my first 50 mile ride. Not only the first for the distance, but there were a lot more firsts:

  • First 50 mi ride
  • First long (longer than 3 miles) road ride on the FELT B16
  • First ride of any length on the ISM Adamo Prologue saddle
  • First time to try race day nutrition for the bike, no solid food...just liquid.
  • First time using the X-Lab Mini Wing for holding water bottles

For some reason, I'm thinking I'm missing a couple of firsts in that list. However, as you can was a day of first for me. But I was planning on it being a good day!

Stock photo of my FELT B16 - Glad I picked this ride!

Speaking of planning, some accuse me of doing WAY to much of this. Earlier in the week, I sent a proposed nutrition plan to my coach for review. This got into a few back and forth emails, and finally a phone conversation to decide to try race day nutrition and what products to use. Those that know me, know that I am a very avid endorser of the AdvoCare product line. Why not, Ohio State took 18 months to evaluate this stuff compared to other options, and the AdvoCare Elite Performance line is what the players use today. There's an unpaid endorser in every NFL locker room and many other sports as imagine my pain when I found out that AdvoCare has not yet addressed the needs of an endurance athlete. I had to go with something else for the bike!

Concentrated Roctane, marked for use and motivation!

While I utilized my normal AdvoCare routine, I utilize GU Roctane in a concentrated form on the bike for my calories. Yep, this was going to be the first of all FIRSTS. I had never purchased Roctane before the day before my ride, not alone drank it. I never tasted it until 15 minutes into the ride. I was VERY happy when I liked the stuff. But then again, I wasn't really surprised, my coach recommended the flavor...Fruit Punch. 

The ride was great, except for the getting lost part. I missed a turn and while I wasn't lost, I was planning on biking 50 miles, but I didn't make the left hand turn to follow that route, instead I was unfocused on navigation and I had gotten in front of the group of JustTri teammates, and I went straight on the 100 mile route rather than taking that left turn. Once I had confirmed this, I just stayed on the 100 mile route, and turned around at mile 25. Easy enough....right?

Sure, it sounded easy enough...but following arrows on the road, painted on the opposite side of the roads got challenging. I made a wrong turn and was off course. Ugh! However, I knew the about where I wanted to end up and I had my iPhone with Google lost can you actually be?

Long and short of the trip. I got my 50 miles in! I spent a BUNCH of time getting used to riding in the aero position, and I had fun. Some like to ride together as a group. I like that, but on race day...the only company I'll have is myself and me, as I travel down the (hopefully) well marked path. Getting separated, riding by was just another aspect of training. 

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook, and I loved it:

The transformative power of exercise: I arrived at the start of our 50 mile ride today grumpy. It was cold and windy, with no sign of the sunshine we had earlier in the week. Thank goodness so many of my JustTri teammates were there. I got my bike ready, clippe[d] in and we were off. Then I heard the familiar sounds of a group clipping in, changing gears, calling for cars... and my whole attitude changed. Yes, it took me the whole drive home to feel my toes again, but that ride this morning changed my day. What are you doing to change your day?

While I started my day with excitement and vigor for the ride, hearing the group clip in and take off together was awesome, getting my first 50 miler completed was even better, being the first one back in our group...showed that the virtual power training I have been doing in the winter has paid dividends. I deposited 50 miles of sweat and effort on a cold windy day into the bank. I'll withdrawal those deposits on race day!

Nutrition Plan Details:

Time Information
5:30 AM Wake Up from slumber
5:45 AM AdvoCare Spark, Catalyst (3)
6:30 AM Jelly and Peanut Butter Sammich
6:45 AM Off to the event, sipping on AdvoCare Rehydrate to top off electrolytes
8:00 AM Start ride
On Ride 8oz Roctane Concentrate and Water, every 5 min or so
11:30 AM AdvoCare Post Workout Recovery (Yum!)
1:15 PM 6oz Chicken on Corn tortillas
Throughout Day Water and Rehdrate
10:15 PM AdvoCare Nighttime Recovery, and 10 hours of Sleep!